About Custom Pool Cues
Custom Pool Cues is a small family business based in Beerwah, in Queensland’s Sunshine Coast hinterland (Steve Irwin Crocodile Hunter Territory). Jo and Paul had been both Pool Cue Sticks Manufacturers & Billiard Retailers for more than 10 years before Paul’s love of graphic design & creative thinking led them to specialize in “Personalized made-to-order” pool cues and pool sticks. This has now organically grown into an international industry with more than 70% of the cues & cases being sent to the US as well as Canada, UK & New Zealand.
Every aspect of pool and billiard cue sticks customization, from the design & printing to the application & finish & of course the packing & sending of the finished product, is completed in Beerwah. This enables strong quality control capabilities being at the forefront of every part of the production process.
Jo & Paul offer excellent, friendly customer service & being perfectionists always shoot for the highest quality product. With the Online pool cue sales and Shop now growing to 250 plus designs & a personal library of more than 1000 designs, they are able to offer examples & pre-designed concepts at well below standard Custom Design prices.